Project Idea #2 — Words CountdownWelcome to the second post in the Fun Weekend Projects series — where I share cool project ideas that you can build over a weekend. These…Oct 30Oct 30
Coding Project Idea #1: Age MilestonesLooking for a cool project to build over the weekend? Try building an age milestones app! It’s a simple yet fun way to practice your coding…Oct 26Oct 26
100 Days to crack FAANG interview Day 6— Insert IntervalWelcome to Day 6 of my FAANG interview preparation journey! This is a medium-level problem on 2D Arrays.Jun 17Jun 17
100 Days to crack FAANG interview Day 5 — Three SumWelcome to Day 5 of my FAANG interview preparation journey! This is a medium-level problem. If you haven’t solved Two Sum…May 1May 1
100 Days to crack FAANG interview Day 4 — Palindrome PartitioningWelcome to Day 4 of my FAANG/MAANG interview preparation journey! Today, I’ve decided to tackle a medium-level problem for the first time.Apr 15Apr 15
100 Days to crack FAANG interview Day 3 — Plus OneWelcome to Day 3 of my FAANG/MAANG interview preparation journey! Today, I’ve chosen an easy problem again, but this time I’m moving from…Apr 13Apr 13
100 Days to crack FAANG interview Day 2 — Valid ParenthesesWelcome to day 2 of my FAANG/MAANG interview preparation journey! Once again I’ve selected an easy problem to practice today. Yesterday’s…Apr 12Apr 12
100 Days to Crack FAANG Interview Day 1 — Valid AnagramToday is the my first day of preparation, and I’ve chosen an easy straightforward problem to kickstart my journey to crack FAANG interview.Apr 11Apr 11
100 Days to Crack FAANG Interview — Day 0I have given interviews with FAANG companies several times, and I’ve always found myself performing at an average level. My preparation…Apr 10Apr 10